August 22, 2008

1 Corinthians 4

Paul warned about setting aside church leaders as being higher than everyone else. Leaders in the church are to be stewards of God's word, not above it. Leaders need to leave behind arrogance and be willing to live a humble life as an example to others.

While church leaders deserve honor and respect, it is only because of the responsibility given to them by God. There is nothing inherently better about any Christian above another. When we look at ourselves and one another through God's eyes, we're all the same: sinners in need of a Savior. On the other side of the coin, leaders must take care to not become arrogant and think better of themselves because of their position. Every one of us needs to keep this in mind because even if you don't have an official title or position at your church, you're leading someone. That someone may be a spouse, you child, student, co-worker, or even just the new believer who is looking to you as an example of what a Christian is supposed to act like.

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