August 30, 2008

1 Corinthians 10:14-33

To clarify his earlier statements that it was not sin to eat meat sacrificed to idols, Paul warned that it didn't mean they should take part in the idol worship in order to eat it. Eating the idol meat that was purchased in the market or served at an unbeliever's house was one thing, but only if the meat wasn't specifically represented as such. There was no need to inquire of every piece of meat, but if someone felt it worth mentioning, they probably ascribed their own feelings to the eating of that meat and would likely ascribe the same feelings to anyone else who ate it.

Once again, the issue comes back to the heart. Ask yourself why you're doing something before you do it. If you know that what you're doing has some meaning that is in opposition to the Christian walk, walk away. Even if it has no meaning to you, but it does to someone else, think of how that affects your witness to them when they see you doing something they believe is wrong.

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