August 23, 2008

1 Corinthians 5

Paul told the Corinthians not to associate with those who call themselves Christians, but still openly and unapologetically continue to sin. Such people should be ejected from the church if they will not repent. Pretending everything is OK isn't going to help them at all.

We should no tolerate sin inside the church. It is one thing when someone slips up - we're still prone to sin after all - but another when they continue in their sin without seeking to repent and change. We do no favors when we act like nothing is wrong with such people. The loving thing to do is to gently counsel them and allow them to repent and if they don't, make sure they can't go on acting like everything is fine and have you play along. Only when someone is made to feel like what they are doing is wrong will they ever feel the need to repent.

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