August 27, 2008

1 Corinthians 8

Paul begins a section on stumbling blocks by reminding us that knowledge makes us arrogant, but love builds us up. He goes on to talk about meat sacrificed to idols and whether it is alright to eat it. His conclusion is that while there is nothing inherently sinful in the act, if it causes someone to stumble in his walk with the Lord, it is still wrong because of the damage done to the other person. Paul then recommends putting aside our own rights when those rights could cause problems for others.

It is more important to be loving than to be right. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do it. We need to be sure we take into account how other people view things so that we don't give them excuse to violate their own conscience by following our example. Therefore, we must be careful of our actions around those we know are struggling in particular areas in their lives and not do things to make them struggle more.

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