August 11, 2008

Romans 11:1-21

Paul clarifies that just because the majority of the Jewish people had rejected God didn't mean that God had rejected all of Israel. There were some that still belonged to Him through faith, but the widespread lack of faith opened the door for the Gentiles to receive the gospel and be made right with God. This does not mean the door of salvation was shut on the Jews. The door is always open for those who believe. Paul then speaks to Gentile believers with a warning against looking down on Jewish non-believers. After all, he reminds them, the source of their righteousness is Christ, not themselves.

Christ died for every one of us. When we believe in Him, we become part of the family of God. While this is a wonderful thing, we must not lose sight of the fact that we have done nothing to deserve it. The only thing that separates believers and non-believers is the grace of God. There are many people today who have heard the good news and have rejected it. This does not mean they can never change their mind. If you know someone who continually rejects Christ, keep praying for them and witnessing to them as the Holy Spirit leads. Never give up hope.

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