August 10, 2008

Romans 10

Paul strongly desired that all of the Jews would be saved through Christ; this was his prayer. He went back to the prophets to show that it has always been faith in God - not adherence to the law - that brings us into a right standing with God. This message had been given to the Jews, but they had not accepted it. Now that the Messiah has come, this faith is expressed by belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and His resurrection. This is the message that needs to be taken to the world - Jews and Gentiles alike.

The gospel spreads by people who have heard and believed telling other people the good news of Christ. As believers, we should care enough to tell others the message of salvation. Like Paul said, how will they believe unless they hear? And how will they hear unless someone tells them? Tell someone about God. Don't worry about whether they'll believe or not - leave that up to God.

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