August 08, 2008

Romans 8:18-39

Paul wrote that the sufferings of the current life are nothing compared to the wonderful things that are to come in the next life. All of the sufferings in the here and now are like the pains of childbirth - they're nothing when compared with the joy of what is to come. The Holy Spirit helps us through the tough times, interceding for us in prayer. God is at work in everything working things out for the ultimate good of those who love Him. Once we are saved through Jesus, nothing can take us away from Him.

No matter how bad things look, God is still in control. Even when we're going through rough times, God is there for us to depend on. He doesn't love us just for a time. He doesn't leave us to fend for ourselves. He truly cares for each of us and wants the best for us. Remember, in times of trouble, God is there for you. Call His name and He will give you the strength to overcome whatever comes your way.

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