August 15, 2008

Romans 14

Paul wrote that Christians should not judge one another harshly for some of the non-essential beliefs that are held differently within Christian circles. Whatever we feel convicted to do, we should do for the Lord and not for anyone else. Each of us answers to God in alone for our actions, so we shouldn't look down on someone for doing things differently than we do. At the same time, we need to be sensitive to the convictions of others and not be overt in the liberties that we may enjoy that they have determined are wrong for them. It is sin when any Christian does something they believe to be wrong even if God hasn't made a clear prohibition against it.

Some Christians decide that they need to abstain from alcohol. While nothing in scripture says we may not drink alcohol, nothing in scripture requires that we do either. God will not condemn the person who has determined that alcohol is all right, nor will He condemn the person who has decided to abstain. But, if the person who has decided not to drink goes against that conviction, they have sinned. We need to respect others decisions in these things even when we don't hold the same view. As long as it is not a difference in essential Christian teaching or something the Bible very clearly addresses, we should take care not to offend people with our actions when we know their feelings. At the same time, if we think something is wrong, we must be careful not to condemn others for it. If God does not condemn a thing, neither should we.

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