July 31, 2008

Romans 1

In the beginning of his letter to the Romans, Paul starts off by glorifying Christ. He then mentions how thankful he is for the believers in Rome and how he often prays for them and longs for the time he can come in person to share the gospel with them. He underlines the need to stand up for the truth of God so that we won't fall for the lies of the devil.

It is important to recognize the value of other Christians in our lives. We can draw strength and inspiration from them and at the same time we have a duty to pray for them and support their walk with the Lord through actions and prayer. In order to do this, we must stand up for truth - immerse ourselves in it - or be vulnerable to attack by the lies of the enemy. Paul said that God's truth has been revealed through nature to every man so that each of us is "without excuse." Today, we also have God's word preserved in the Bible so that we can have a deeper understanding of His truth. Go deeper in your understanding of God; read your Bible, pray to Him, be in fellowship with other believers. Get to know the Author of truth.

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