July 16, 2008

Acts 19:21-41

A silversmith named Demetrius saw his business drying up as Paul continued to spread the word of Jesus. Once people understood there is only one true God, they no longer needed the idols he and other craftsmen produced. He whipped up a mob to try to put a stop to Paul's activities, but in the end the town clerk dispersed the crowd saying that this was not the way to settle the problem.

Some people's very livelihoods are based on things that are completely contradictory to God's order. When that livelihood is threatened by the truth, the natural reaction is to do whatever is deemed necessary to protect it. We need to understand that for some people, learning the truth about God may be scary at first as the whole world they thought they knew is ripped apart around them. Even though the transition may be painful, what lies on the other side is well worth it.

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