July 07, 2008

Acts 14

Paul and Barnabas continued their journey and came to Iconium where they continued to teach the message of Jesus. A large number of people there believed, but once again, there were some who were opposed to them and were planning to kill them so they left. They went to Lystra where Paul healed a man who had been lame since birth. The people there thought Paul and Barnabas must have been Gods and brought an offering to them. Paul and Barnabas refused the offerings and went about convincing the people that they were just men.

Some of the Jews from Antioch and Iconium came and dragged Paul off to stone him, but he survived and went back into the city. The next day they went to Derbe where they preached and many became believers. They then went back through the cities they had been to previously to encourage them in their faith and help them to set up the church leadership.

When we share the gospel with others, we should be ready to help and support them in their new faith. New Christians often have many questions. If we don't know the answer, we should help them to find the answers they are seeking. We should help them find a good church (even if it doesn't happen to be yours) and encourage them to join a small group study.

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