July 29, 2008

Acts 28:1-15

On the island of Malta where Paul was shipwrecked, he was bitten by a poisonous snake, but suffered no ill effects. Initially, when the snake bit him, the natives of the island assumed he was guilty of something horrible and the snake bite was his punishment. When they saw that he was all right, they considered him a god. While on the island, Paul healed many of the natives of various illnesses. When Paul's ship set sail, the natives provided them with everything they needed.

It is amazing how fast people's opinions can change. When things are going well, they assume you're doing something right and when things aren't going well, they assume you're doing something wrong. Assumptions like this don't work. We've all seen the godly person who is suffering with some terminal disease and the morally bankrupt person who is living in a mansion with eight cars in the garage. Using status or circumstances to determine the righteousness of a person fails because God does not promise temporal rewards or punishment. Those made righteous through the blood of Christ will receive their reward in eternity just as those who don't accept Him will receive their punishment in eternity.

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