July 12, 2008

Acts 17:1-15

Paul and Silas came to Thessalonica where Paul preached in the synagogue and many people believed in Jesus because of his witness. Some of the people in the city didn't like what Paul was doing, so they formed a mob and went looking for Paul and Silas. When they couldn't be found, the mob decided to make an example of Jason because he had hosted Paul and Silas.

God blesses those who help people spreading His word, but those who want to stop the message from spreading will attack anyone who is remotely involved with "Christian proselytizing." There really is no middle ground. Everyone needs to choose to please the world or please God, but it is impossible to do both.

Paul and Silas went on to Berea where they continued teaching. Many people there believed as well, but not before verifying what they heard against scripture.

Everything we learn about God should be verified through scripture. God's word is the final authority on what is true. Always go back to the source when you hear something new. People make mistakes or deliberately mislead, but God can always be trusted to give us the truth.

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