July 04, 2008

Acts 12

Herod began arresting Christians. He found that the Jews were in favor of this, so he arrested Peter as well. The night before Herod was going to bring Peter before the people, an angel helped him to escape from prison. Peter went to a house where many believers were praying for him. When they saw him, they were amazed.

God answers prayers. Sometimes it seems that He's not listening, but God is faithful and truly does hear every one of our prayers. When we see a prayer answered, we should praise God and thank Him for responding. Remember all the times when God has answered your prayers and let those times strengthen your faith that He will continue.

Herod became puffed up with himself and was being called a god by the people. God caused his death because he was taking the glory that belongs to God and only God.

God does not share the stage with anyone - He shouldn't have to. He alone deserves to be praised and honored and anyone who tries to take what rightfully belongs to Him will be punished accordingly.

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