June 14, 2008

John 21

The disciples were just finishing up a fruitless night of fishing when Jesus appeared to them again. He told them to cast their net on the other side of the boat and when they did, the net was filled with fish. Peter, after realizing it was Jesus, swam to shore to greet Him and the others followed in the boat.

The disciples had gone back to what they were doing before they met Jesus - fishing. When they saw Jesus again, they went to Him. This is what so many of us do in our lives. We go away from church and go back to living the life we had before knowing Jesus. When we come back to church, it's all about Him again. We need to live for Christ no matter where we are and remember He is always with us.

Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Each time Peter answered that he did and Jesus told him to tend His sheep. Jesus then gave Peter a prophecy of his life to come and a command to follow Him. Peter wanted to know about what was in store for John, but Jesus told him it was none of his concern.

God wants to know that we love Him. The outward evidence of that love is taking care of others. We are most like Christ when we help others.

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