June 07, 2008

John 16:16-33

Jesus told His disciples that in a little while, they wouldn't see Him, then after a little while more, they would. While He was not with them, there would be sorrow, but when He came back there would be great joy. Then it would be possible to ask God for anything in the name of Jesus and it would be granted.

Jesus was referring to His death and resurrection. After Jesus' death, the disciples were confused and scared. When they saw Him resurrected, everything He had taught them came together and they understood. Living in this age, we already know that Jesus rose from the grave. We can know the same joy the disciples had after the resurrection because we know He lives! His sacrifice on the cross and power over death bridged the gap between God and man and now each of us, through Jesus Christ, can have an audience with the God of the universe. He promises to fulfill our needs and answer our prayers. We just need to humble ourselves, accept the sacrifice of Jesus, and come to Him with an open, teachable heart. Then He will hear us and work in our lives.

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