June 30, 2008

Acts 9:20-43

After Saul's conversion, he became a great witness for Jesus. The Jews wanted to kill him because of his witnessing and the other believers had a hard time accepting him knowing his past as a persecutor of Christians.

When we see someone's life change radically, it is in our nature to suspect whether the change is genuine. With God, all things are possible, so we must accept that it is possible for people to change. At the same time, it is prudent to confirm that the change is genuine by looking for real changes in the person's behavior. When Christ enters someone and makes them a new person from the inside out, there will be evidence. If you have accepted Him, you've probably seen the change in your own life.

Peter was traveling, spreading the gospel and healing in the name of Jesus. He healed a paralyzed man and brought a woman back to life. Because of these things, many people believed in Jesus.

You may never heal someone with a word or raise them from the dead, but you can still make a difference in the lives of those around you. A kind word or a helping hand in time of need can be just the right thing to open the door of friendship that leads to an opportunity to share the love of Christ. Keep your eyes open for opportunities - they're all around you every day.

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