June 20, 2008

Acts 4:23-37

When Peter and John were released, they went back and told everyone how the high priests had tried to get them to stop speaking about Jesus. Upon hearing this, they prayed that God would give them strength to continue to confidently preach the message of Christ and for continued power to heal and to perform other miracles. After the prayer, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they went out boldly preaching the word of God.

The threats against Peter and John had the opposite effect of what the high priests had hoped. Instead of scaring them into silence, they went to God in prayer and were immediately strengthened. God can turn any situation to His good will. All we need to do is pray and God will give us what we need to honor and glorify Him.

The believers who had heard the apostles and followed them became a very close-knit community. They weren't greedy with their possessions and shared everything. Those with land sold it and brought the proceeds to be split amongst those who had need.

Remember, everything we have comes from God. We are not to be greedy and hang on to everything that comes our way. Instead of focusing on your stuff (and getting more of it) look for ways that you can share the blessings that God has given you with those who don't have as much.

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