June 09, 2008

John 18:1-27

Jesus was arrested and taken to the Annas, the high priest Caiaphas' father-in-law. There He was questioned about His followers and His teachings, but when He wouldn't answer the questions, He was sent to Caiaphas. Peter had followed Jesus and was questioned three times whether he was one of Jesus' followers, but he denied it each time, just as Jesus said he would.

No one wants to believe they would ever deny Jesus, but often times, when we are challenged, we deny our relationship to the Savior. Whether it's trying to fit in with the crowd by doing the wrong thing or just remaining silent when we know we should speak up, we are almost all guilty of this from time to time. These are the times we need to rely on the Spirit to strengthen us and give us the right words to say or the right thing to do. We need to constantly look to God for directions so we don't go off course.

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