June 23, 2008

Acts 6

A group of seven men, including Stephen, were chosen to help with the distribution of food to the widows. Stephen went on to also become a strong teacher of the word and did many wondrous things. Some of the people didn't like what he was teaching, and being unable to argue against him, they hauled him off to the High Council on trumped up charges. False witnesses were brought against him and after they had spoken, all eyes turned to Stephen whose face was shining like an angel.

When the enemies of Christ can't win an argument, the next tactic is usually to shut up the person doing the witnessing. Fear, intimidation, or force have been employed to try to silence the voice of the Christian since Christ Himself walked the earth. Through the Holy Spirit, that voice has been kept alive and cannot be silenced while there are still believers who rely on the Spirit to guide them and give them strength. We can draw strength and wisdom from Him even today. Don't let the enemy silence you. Pray for boldness and strength to continue spreading the message of Christ wherever you are.

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