June 05, 2008

John 15

Jesus compared our relationship with Him to a grapevine - He is the vine and we are the branches. As long as we stay connected to Him, we are fed what we need to bear fruit. Apart from Jesus, we do not get what we need to live a life of meaning and fulfillment. We are told to abide in Jesus, loving Him and through Him God the Father. The natural result of the love relationship with the Father is that we should love one another. The world will hate us, just as it hates Jesus. If we are truly His, we should expect that there will be people who try to shut us up, keep us down, and generally try to make life harder for us because we follow Him. No matter what the world throws at us though, we must remain connected to the One who gives true life. The hardships of this world are temporary, but the rewards for being faithful to Jesus are eternal.

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