June 30, 2008

Acts 9:20-43

After Saul's conversion, he became a great witness for Jesus. The Jews wanted to kill him because of his witnessing and the other believers had a hard time accepting him knowing his past as a persecutor of Christians.

When we see someone's life change radically, it is in our nature to suspect whether the change is genuine. With God, all things are possible, so we must accept that it is possible for people to change. At the same time, it is prudent to confirm that the change is genuine by looking for real changes in the person's behavior. When Christ enters someone and makes them a new person from the inside out, there will be evidence. If you have accepted Him, you've probably seen the change in your own life.

Peter was traveling, spreading the gospel and healing in the name of Jesus. He healed a paralyzed man and brought a woman back to life. Because of these things, many people believed in Jesus.

You may never heal someone with a word or raise them from the dead, but you can still make a difference in the lives of those around you. A kind word or a helping hand in time of need can be just the right thing to open the door of friendship that leads to an opportunity to share the love of Christ. Keep your eyes open for opportunities - they're all around you every day.

June 29, 2008

Acts 9:1-19

As Saul was traveling to Damascus, he saw a blinding flash of light and heard the voice of Jesus asking why he was persecuting Him. Jesus then told him to go into Damascus and wait for further instructions. The Lord called on a believer in Damascus named Ananias to go to Saul and lay hands on him to restore his sight. Ananias knew of Saul's reputation and was hesitant to go, but the Lord assured him that Saul had been chosen to be a witness for Him.

God can use anyone. No matter what they've done in the past, God can take them and change them from the inside out to be used for His glory. Don't be too hasty in judging others. Some of the people that look least likely to accept God from our point of view are exactly the ones who need to hear about Him. Let God lead point you to the right people to witness to and make sure that your own feelings and presuppositions aren't getting in the way.

June 28, 2008

Acts 8:26-40

Following God's instructions, Philip started along the road to Gaza. On his way, he met an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading from the prophesies of Isaiah concerning Jesus' death. Philip told the eunuch all about Jesus and the eunuch believed and was baptized.

As you come into contact with people every day in your life, look for ways to bring Jesus into the conversation. Let the Lord lead you to situations where opportunities will be opened for sharing the good news of Jesus. Most importantly, let the Holy Spirit take hold of you and speak through you. God can use anyone who opens themselves up to be used.

June 27, 2008

Acts 8:1-25

After Stephen's death, Saul began earnestly persecuting Christians, dragging them off to prison. At this time, Philip went to Samaria to preach the word of God. Many believed in the name of Christ and were baptized.

God will never let His word die. He has commissioned many people through the years to take His message throughout the world. If God has not called you to be a missionary, spend some time praying for His missionaries throughout the world. Pray that they would be bold and that God's word would impact the people who hear it.

A man named Simon who had been impressing the people with magic also came to believe in Jesus. When Peter and John came to lay hands on the people so they might receive the Holy Spirit, Simon was amazed and offered money so that he could have this power too. Peter told him it was not something that could be bought and that he needed to pray to God so that his heart might be changed.

No one can buy their way into heaven, but instead, God freely offers everything He has to us. If we believe we can buy God's power or His favor, we do not understand who He truly is.

June 26, 2008

Acts 7:54-60

When Stephen had finished speaking, he was taken out of the city and stoned. The truth had so inflamed his accusers that they could not hold back any longer and filled with anger, they put aside Roman law and executed Stephen (remember, they couldn't kill Jesus and had to have the Romans do it). As Stephen was being stoned, he used his last words to pray that God would not hold it against them.

As hard as it may be, we are to pray for our enemies. Even when we are being hassled, put down, ostracized, or hurt, we should pray for our tormentors. This is a true test of love - when you show love for someone who has shown you anything but.

June 25, 2008

Acts 7:20-53

Stephen finished answering his accusers by comparing the actions of the High Council with those of the Jewish people throughout history. They were given the truth, but rejected it and killed the messengers.

Each of us is responsible for how we respond to God's word. We can look to others to learn from their examples - good or bad - but we must each ultimately make our own decision.

June 24, 2008

Acts 7:1-19

On trial for teaching the message of Jesus, Stephen began to answer the accusations against him by recounting Jewish history beginning with Abraham and going through David.

It is important to know the history contained in the Bible. There are many lessons to learn from what has been recorded in God's word. Read about the fathers of the faith and see how you can apply their lessons to situations you face in life.

June 23, 2008

Acts 6

A group of seven men, including Stephen, were chosen to help with the distribution of food to the widows. Stephen went on to also become a strong teacher of the word and did many wondrous things. Some of the people didn't like what he was teaching, and being unable to argue against him, they hauled him off to the High Council on trumped up charges. False witnesses were brought against him and after they had spoken, all eyes turned to Stephen whose face was shining like an angel.

When the enemies of Christ can't win an argument, the next tactic is usually to shut up the person doing the witnessing. Fear, intimidation, or force have been employed to try to silence the voice of the Christian since Christ Himself walked the earth. Through the Holy Spirit, that voice has been kept alive and cannot be silenced while there are still believers who rely on the Spirit to guide them and give them strength. We can draw strength and wisdom from Him even today. Don't let the enemy silence you. Pray for boldness and strength to continue spreading the message of Christ wherever you are.

June 22, 2008

Acts 5:17-42

The apostles were put into prison by the high priest for teaching in the name of Jesus. God released them from prison and they continued preaching in the temple. When the High Council heard that the apostles were no longer in prison, they had the apostles brought before them. The apostles were again warned not to teach in the name of Jesus, but they refused. The high priests were furious and wanted to kill the apostles, but a Pharisee named Gamaliel warned them to be cautious. If the apostles' teachings were truly from God, nothing they could do would stop it from spreading and they might find themselves fighting against God. Because of this warning, the apostles were flogged and released. They went right back to teaching about Christ, rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer because of the name of Jesus.

Nothing short of death was going to stop the apostles from spreading the gospel message. Even after enduring prison, threats, and physical abuse, they went right back to proclaiming Jesus in the temple. What would it take to get you to stop talking about Jesus? How you answer that question reveals a lot about where you are in your walk with Him.

June 21, 2008

Acts 5:1-16

One couple sold some land and gave a portion of the money to the apostles, but told them it was all of it. Peter asked the man why he tried to deceive them and told him the lie was against God and not men. When the man heard this, he fell down dead. Later, when his wife came, Peter asked her if the sum brought by her husband was the full amount they had received for the land. She said that it was and she fell dead as well.

The sin of this couple was not that they didn't give the full amount they had received for the land. Their sin was in the fact that they tried to lie about what they were doing. Chances are they were trying to appear holy by pretending they had given everything like others had done, but secretly holding on to a portion to feel secure. Thus, they didn't trust God to take care of their needs and felt they needed to have something to fall back on. We can't fool God. He knows when we are showing off or trying to look like we're completely devoted to Him while secretly holding something back. God only honors those whose motives are pure. When we're just trying to look good, He sees right through it.

June 20, 2008

Acts 4:23-37

When Peter and John were released, they went back and told everyone how the high priests had tried to get them to stop speaking about Jesus. Upon hearing this, they prayed that God would give them strength to continue to confidently preach the message of Christ and for continued power to heal and to perform other miracles. After the prayer, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they went out boldly preaching the word of God.

The threats against Peter and John had the opposite effect of what the high priests had hoped. Instead of scaring them into silence, they went to God in prayer and were immediately strengthened. God can turn any situation to His good will. All we need to do is pray and God will give us what we need to honor and glorify Him.

The believers who had heard the apostles and followed them became a very close-knit community. They weren't greedy with their possessions and shared everything. Those with land sold it and brought the proceeds to be split amongst those who had need.

Remember, everything we have comes from God. We are not to be greedy and hang on to everything that comes our way. Instead of focusing on your stuff (and getting more of it) look for ways that you can share the blessings that God has given you with those who don't have as much.

June 19, 2008

Acts 4:1-22

Peter an John were arrested while teaching in the temple. They were taken before the high priests and questioned about healing the lame man: By whose power and in what name did they perform this miracle? Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, answered that they had done so in the name of Jesus, who the Jewish leaders had rejected. The high priests couldn't refute that a great miracle had taken place for all to see and were afraid that the people would start following the teachings of the apostles, so they forbade them to teach in the name of Jesus. Peter and John told them that was not possible; they had to testify to what they had seen and heard regarding Jesus. They were going to do what was right in the sight of God no matter what anyone else tried to tell them to do.

In America today, people are trying to tell us what we can and can't say - what we can and can't believe. If the liberal atheistic movement succeeds, the church will no longer be able to preach on social issues without facing criminal charges like hate crime violations. On a more personal level, we face people in our everyday lives who don't want to let us talk about Jesus. It could be an employer, school administration, friends, or family. Don't let anyone make you stay silent. God did not call us to be silent; he called us to be witnesses for Him. No matter what threat (physical, emotional, or social) is used against you, draw strength from the Holy Spirit to be strong and speak out in love and gentleness to glorify the name of Jesus.

June 18, 2008

Acts 3

As Peter and John were entering the temple, a lame man begged them for money. Peter told the man that they didn't have any money, but instead healed the man so he could walk. The man was so happy, he walked into the temple and began jumping and giving praise to God. The people in the temple all crowded around the three men, amazed to see the man they knew to be lame walking. Peter redirected their attention to God who had healed the man to bring glory to Jesus. He then called them to repent of their sins and turn to Christ.

When God does something amazing in our lives, we should share it with everyone, giving the glory to God and praising His name. When others see what God has done, they will want to know what happened and how it happened. Don't stop with a simple "God did it." Use the opportunity to share the love of Christ and everything He's done in your life.

June 17, 2008

Acts 2:14-47

Peter answered those who thought the apostles were drunk and showed them that what was happening was a fulfillment of scriptural prophecy. He also reminded them of some of the prophecies that Jesus had fulfilled. Of those who heard the message, about 3,000 believed in Jesus and even more were added in the days that followed.

When we speak up for Jesus, some people will try to ascribe other motives or reasons for what we are saying. We need to answer with biblically sound reasoning whenever someone questions us. If we can't give a biblically sound reason, we need to reevaluate what we're doing. Many people are seeking the truth. When we present it in a way that is in line with the God's truth, they will be more willing to accept what we're saying.

June 16, 2008

Acts 2:1-13

On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came down on the twelve apostles and made them speak so that each person could understand them in their own language. Most of the people were amazed by this, but some just figured the apostles were drunk.

When God does amazing things, there are some who just want to write it off to something mundane. Many people today spend a good deal of time trying to debunk the accounts of miracles in the Bible. We may not always be able to understand exactly what's going on when God does something, but that doesn't mean we need to try to explain it away. God reveals enough for us to make our decision about what we are seeing and reserves the right to keep some things a mystery.

June 15, 2008

Acts 1

After Jesus had ascended into heaven, His disciples returned to the upper room where the Last Supper was held. They were dedicated to carrying on the mission given to them by Jesus. Their first act was to replace Judas with Matthias.

The disciples were ready to do what they had been told to do. They came together and as a group sought direction from God in prayer about who should take Judas' place. It is important to seek God's will in our decisions - especially if we are doing work for Him. Always remember that God has a plan; we just need to ask Him what to do.

June 14, 2008

John 21

The disciples were just finishing up a fruitless night of fishing when Jesus appeared to them again. He told them to cast their net on the other side of the boat and when they did, the net was filled with fish. Peter, after realizing it was Jesus, swam to shore to greet Him and the others followed in the boat.

The disciples had gone back to what they were doing before they met Jesus - fishing. When they saw Jesus again, they went to Him. This is what so many of us do in our lives. We go away from church and go back to living the life we had before knowing Jesus. When we come back to church, it's all about Him again. We need to live for Christ no matter where we are and remember He is always with us.

Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Each time Peter answered that he did and Jesus told him to tend His sheep. Jesus then gave Peter a prophecy of his life to come and a command to follow Him. Peter wanted to know about what was in store for John, but Jesus told him it was none of his concern.

God wants to know that we love Him. The outward evidence of that love is taking care of others. We are most like Christ when we help others.

June 13, 2008

John 20

Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples. Thomas was not with them the first time and said he would not believe it unless he saw with his own eyes and touched Jesus' wounds. When Jesus' appeared the second time, having seen, Thomas believed.

"I'll believe it when I see it" is just human nature. No one wants to be tricked or find out after the fact that they made a mistake. Seeing something makes us feel assured that the thing we're being told is true. But it is not absolutely necessary to see a thing to believe it. Sometimes we have to rely on the eyewitness accounts of others - we can't possibly see everything that happens. Jesus said that those who believe in Him without seeing Him will be blessed. Today we have the eyewitness accounts of the New Testament writers to inform our belief. We can choose to be stubborn and continue to demand a firsthand experience of Jesus in the flesh or accept the evidence presented by those who did see Him.

June 12, 2008

John 19:23-42

While Jesus was on the cross, the soldiers divided up His clothes among them. Jesus saw His mother Mary and John standing by the cross and He told John to take care of her. After Jesus asked for something to drink, He died. Then, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus took His body and laid it in a tomb.

Even with everything He was going through, Jesus still took the time to ensure that Mary would be cared for. Sometimes we can get wrapped up in the most trivial things and find that we are "too busy" to meet the needs of others. If you find yourself too busy to offer help to the people around you, take another look at what's filling your time. Is it really necessary or is it just useless filler taking you away from the work that God has called each of us to?

June 11, 2008

John 19:1-22

Pilate had Jesus beaten and then brought out to the crowd. Pilate told the people he had found no guilt in Him, but the people insisted that He be crucified. Pilate gave in to the crowd and had Jesus taken off to be crucified.

While being questioned by Pilate, Jesus told him he had no authority except that which had been given him by God. Each of us in a position of authority (politician, boss, teacher, parent...) must understand that our authority comes from God. We will each be called to account for what we have done in our lives with the position given to us by God. Look to God for guidance in all your decisions so that you can make wise and just choices.

June 10, 2008

John 18:28-40

Jesus was taken to Pilate who, after questioning Him, could not find any reason to sentence Him to death. During the questioning, Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom was not an earthly kingdom.

Even though Jesus' kingdom is not here on earth, we can only prepare for and further His kingdom here on earth. This world we live in is the staging ground for heaven and it is only here that we can make a difference for eternity. Once we reach heaven, there will be no hungry to feed, no poor to care for. There will be no one to witness to about Jesus since everyone there will already know Him. Jesus is now before the Court of Public Opinion. Will you stand up and be a witness for Him?

June 09, 2008

John 18:1-27

Jesus was arrested and taken to the Annas, the high priest Caiaphas' father-in-law. There He was questioned about His followers and His teachings, but when He wouldn't answer the questions, He was sent to Caiaphas. Peter had followed Jesus and was questioned three times whether he was one of Jesus' followers, but he denied it each time, just as Jesus said he would.

No one wants to believe they would ever deny Jesus, but often times, when we are challenged, we deny our relationship to the Savior. Whether it's trying to fit in with the crowd by doing the wrong thing or just remaining silent when we know we should speak up, we are almost all guilty of this from time to time. These are the times we need to rely on the Spirit to strengthen us and give us the right words to say or the right thing to do. We need to constantly look to God for directions so we don't go off course.

June 08, 2008

John 17

Jesus prayed for protection, unity, and sanctification of His disciples and all who would come to the Father because of the witness of the disciples. Jesus prayed for unity in His followers. Every person who has believed in Jesus and followed His word is part of the church eternal and should be united in the common cause of spreading the message of Jesus and advancing His kingdom. When we become children of God, we are sanctified and protected from evil so that we can do the work we are called to do.

June 07, 2008

John 16:16-33

Jesus told His disciples that in a little while, they wouldn't see Him, then after a little while more, they would. While He was not with them, there would be sorrow, but when He came back there would be great joy. Then it would be possible to ask God for anything in the name of Jesus and it would be granted.

Jesus was referring to His death and resurrection. After Jesus' death, the disciples were confused and scared. When they saw Him resurrected, everything He had taught them came together and they understood. Living in this age, we already know that Jesus rose from the grave. We can know the same joy the disciples had after the resurrection because we know He lives! His sacrifice on the cross and power over death bridged the gap between God and man and now each of us, through Jesus Christ, can have an audience with the God of the universe. He promises to fulfill our needs and answer our prayers. We just need to humble ourselves, accept the sacrifice of Jesus, and come to Him with an open, teachable heart. Then He will hear us and work in our lives.

June 06, 2008

John 16:1-15

Jesus prepared His disciples for His death and what was to come. He told them that He was going away and then a Helper, the Holy Spirit would come to convict the world of sin and to glorify Christ. The Holy Spirit would guide them in truth and reveal more things to them in time.

Even now, when Christ is no longer with us bodily, the Holy Spirit is still testifying to the glory of Christ and lifting up and teaching those who believe in Him. The voice within us, reminding us of the right thing to do, impressing upon us the fact that we've done something wrong is that of the Spirit. We need to always be ready to listen to Him and be willing to act upon His words.

June 05, 2008

John 15

Jesus compared our relationship with Him to a grapevine - He is the vine and we are the branches. As long as we stay connected to Him, we are fed what we need to bear fruit. Apart from Jesus, we do not get what we need to live a life of meaning and fulfillment. We are told to abide in Jesus, loving Him and through Him God the Father. The natural result of the love relationship with the Father is that we should love one another. The world will hate us, just as it hates Jesus. If we are truly His, we should expect that there will be people who try to shut us up, keep us down, and generally try to make life harder for us because we follow Him. No matter what the world throws at us though, we must remain connected to the One who gives true life. The hardships of this world are temporary, but the rewards for being faithful to Jesus are eternal.

June 04, 2008

John 14

Jesus told His disciples He was going to prepare a place for them in His Father's house and that He was going to send the Holy Spirit to be a Helper and teach them the things they needed to know. He also told them that they had seen the Father because they had seen Him.

Just as people who saw Jesus had seen God, we should strive for the people in our lives to see Jesus when they look at us. We should live our lives in such a way that it is apparent that we are His. We have the Holy Spirit among us and Jesus in our hearts to guide us -- we just need to listen. Pray each day for wisdom and strength to live a life that honors and glorifies Jesus. Pray that others would see Him in you, not for your glory, but for His.

June 03, 2008

John 13:18-38

During the Last Supper, Jesus identified Judas as the one who would betray Him. After that, He restated that His disciples could not go with Him. Peter said he wanted to go with Him and would even die for Him, but Jesus told him that before the night was over, he would deny Him three times.

Jesus knows our innermost thoughts. There is no point trying to con Him or convince Him that you are something you are not. Even when we come to Him with the best of intentions, we cannot measure up to the standard of perfection that He has set. Only by allowing Him into our lives and focusing on Him can we be made holy and pleasing in God's sight.

June 02, 2008

John 13:1-17

At the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples as an example of servanthood. He told them this is how they should treat one another.

Even though Jesus was in a position of authority above them, He did not think that serving was beneath Him. No matter how high our rank or how important we think we are, we should always look for ways to serve others. The world believes the higher up on the ladder you get, the more people should serve you, but God's ways are not the world's ways. Never stop serving others - Jesus never did.

June 01, 2008

John 12:20-50

Jesus said that anyone who serves Him must follow Him and then he will be honored by God the Father. This requires turning our backs on the worldly life and devoting everything to Him. Those who reject Him condemn themselves.

Each of us has a choice: to accept and follow Jesus or to live our lives the way we want to. When we accept Him, He accepts us and welcomes us into the family of God. When we reject Him and choose to live in whatever way pleases us, we bring condemnation upon ourselves. Jesus said that He came to save the world. His message is one of hope for what can be if we follow Him. This hope is the light in the darkness, ready to guide us home if we only reach out and accept Him.