January 09, 2008

Matthew 8

After Jesus was finished teaching, He came down from the mountain with many people following after Him. He was approached by a leper asking to be healed. Jesus touched him and the man was immediately healed. Next a Roman centurion approached Jesus asking that his servant at home be healed. When Jesus offered to go to the man's house, the centurion said he wasn't worthy to have Jesus come to his house - all that was necessary was for Jesus to say the word and it would be done. Both these men had faith in the power of Jesus. Jesus himself was so impressed by the centurion that He proclaimed him the most faithful man He had met in Israel.

After continuing to Peter's house, Jesus performs another healing - on Peter's mother-in-law. News of His healings must have spread quickly because all sorts of people were being brought to Jesus to be healed. After a while, a large crowd began to form and Jesus decided it was time to leave and cross the sea. There are two people recorded who expressed a desire to go with Jesus. The first was told that if he followed, conditions would be harsh; don't come along if you're looking for a glamorous life. The second expressed an interest in coming along, but asked if he could leave and come back after burying his father. Jesus tells him (paraphrasing), "Let someone else take care of the arrangements. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity you have right now."

There is no mention whether either of these men actually went with Jesus. If I had to guess, I'd say they didn't. Jesus knew what was in their hearts. He was letting them and everyone else know what it means to follow Him. Don't expect a life of luxury and make sure your first priority is following Him. If there's something holding you back, let it go.

Once Jesus and His followers got on the boat, Jesus went to sleep. A storm came up and the disciples were scared they were going to die. They woke Jesus up and He calmed the storm. This made them take notice; healing is one thing - commanding the weather is another.

Jesus has the power to calm the storms in our lives as well. Relationships gone bad, trouble at work, trouble finding work... Ask Him for help and He will give you peace.

After Jesus and His disciples made it to the other side, they encountered two demon possessed men. These two had been terrorizing this region for some time. Jesus commanded the demons out of the men and into a herd of pigs (at the request of the demons). The demons then ran the pigs off a cliff and into the sea where they drowned. The pig herders ran away and came back with all the townspeople who told Jesus to go away.

Jesus had just taken care of a problem that had been plaguing this town for who knows how long. These two demon possessed men made it impossible to travel along a certain path. But because there was collateral damage (the pigs), the townspeople became angry rather than joyful at the healing of the men and the return of peace to the region. People are more important than possessions; people can't be replaced. When we let God work in our lives, we may have to give up some things. When that happens, let go. Jesus already promised that God will meet all our needs. When it comes time to decide if you love God or your stuff more, which will you choose?


Anonymous said...

Excellent commentary, however, the storms in our lives isn't what he came for. Jesus said I will never leave you, nor forsake you, but calming the storms in our lives I believe, isn't his main mission, instead, he will stand with us and help us face the storm.

Dustin L. said...

Too true tenor. Jesus never promised to make our problems go away completely. The peace that we are promised is an internal peace. Part of that peace comes from the strength we get by leaning on Jesus and depending on Him to help us face whatever is thrown our way in life.