January 08, 2008

Matthew 7

Christ says not to judge others unless we want to be judged in the same way. Is Jesus saying we should not use judgment? Is He telling us to be accepting of everybody's lifestyle regardless of whether it conflicts with what God has said? Simply put, no. We are not to judge rashly or harshly - to become judge, jury, and executioner - even in our own minds. We are not to condemn people or think less of them because of what we perceive in their lives as sin. Only God knows the heart and only He can make a right judgment. So, by all means, use your judgment to discern whether someone's actions are wrong or right, but do so through the lens of God's truth and with love and compassion, because you care about the person, not to tear them down or build yourself up.

We've all got our own problems to deal with. Chances are that the log that we do not see in our own eye and the splinter we so readily spot in someone else's eye are of the same wood. The things that bother us most in others are usually the exact things that we need to work on in our own lives. We don't need to be perfect in order to help someone else with their problems, but if we are completely oblivious to our own problems, what use can we be to someone else?

Jesus tells us that God will give us what we ask for because He loves us. This does not make God some sort of cosmic genie. Jesus uses examples of a father providing for his children. When my children ask me for food, I don't give them a plate of rocks. Conversely, if they asked me for a plate of rocks to eat, I wouldn't give it to them. God knows what's best for each of us and when we come to Him asking for good things, He will provide them. If it seems that God is saying "no" to your prayers, ask again, but ask Him if there's something better you should be praying for. God will teach us the right things to ask for - all we have to do is ask!

These teachings of how we should deal with others and how God deals with us lead up to what is commonly known as "The Golden Rule" - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This phrase is well known even by non-Christians and is generally used when one of our children does something not nice to somebody else. The connotation in this situation is: "You wouldn't like it if they did that to you, so don't do it to them." What if we looked at this as more of a proactive command? Think of something nice you'd like to have done for you and then do it for someone else.

According to Jesus, there is only one path to God and ultimately heaven. It's not the easy way; most people miss it. Throughout history, all sorts of people have made up their own set of rules for how to get to heaven. Even self-professed Christians can fall into this category. Just because someone says they are Christian or that they believe in the Bible doesn't mean they are doing God's will. When someone wants to give you advice on spiritual matters (and that includes me and this blog), always check it with God's word. Better yet, take a look at that person's life - use your judgment. Do you see qualities in them that show God at work in their life?

Jesus has now laid down the foundation upon which the rest of His teaching will be built. When we start with a foundation of loving and honoring God, letting Him change us from the inside out, that love will be manifest in our daily lives by how we treat the people around us. We will be able to weather whatever storms come our way because we are right where God wants us to be. If we don't have this foundation, things eventually fall apart. We were made to know God, to love God, and to have a close, personal relationship with Him - all other ground is sinking sand.


surfdude said...

Especially like your section in regards to the splinter and log being made of the same wood. It is so true that the short comings in others lives reflect the same stuff we are frustrated in our own lives.

Anonymous said...

I liked your reminder that we are to store up treasures in heaven. Imagine for a minute that you are an invitee to a party honoring someone, and your are the only one without a gift. That is how it will be if we don't store up treasures, we'll have no crowns to lay at the feet of the KIng. How sad it would be to be shamed like that.