January 02, 2008

Mathew 2

This passage deals with the "wise men" or magi coming to Israel looking for Jesus. They followed a star that they recognized as heralding the birth of the king of the Jews. Where they came from or how they knew what the star meant are interesting things to think about, but I'm struck by the fact that they just went. They got the message and acted on it. They went out of their way to find Jesus and gave Him precious gifts in honor and worship.

Getting the message isn't the important part -- it's what you do after you get the message.

Herod's reaction was interesting too. The birth of one who was being called king of the Jews didn't fill him with the same reverence that propelled the wise men. Instead he was frightened. All he heard was that his way of life was being threatened. He would ultimately end up killing all the baby boys under two just to protect his place of power. He got the message. He knew what the wise men said was true, but his response was very different.

We don't need to be frightened of the changes that Jesus will bring into our lives. I've heard people talk about not wanting to accept Christ because of the things they'll have to give up, but Jesus came to make our lives better -- not worse.

God warned the wise men not to go back to Herod. He warned Joseph that he and his family could not stay in Israel, but should go to Egypt instead.

God always provides a way out for those who are willing to follow His commands.

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