January 27, 2008

Matthew 19:1-15

Some Pharisees came asking Jesus about divorce. They were trying to catch Him in a trap and asked if it was lawful to divorce for any reason at all. Jesus began by taking them back to the definition of marriage as God designed it. God made man and woman and instituted marriage that they would become "one flesh". Since God has joined them together, no man has business tearing them apart. Not satisfied, the Pharisees pushed back asking why the law of Moses commanded to give a wife a certificate of divorce. Jesus answered back that due to the hardness of their hearts, God allows divorce, but that He never intended for it to happen. God hates divorce (Mal 2:16).

Jesus had already spoken on this matter during the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5:31-32). It may be that these Pharisees already knew Jesus' position and were hoping to catch Him contradicting Himself or were just hoping to stir up a controversial subject. One of the basic staples of Jesus' teachings was getting back to the original design or the base intent of God's laws. Here He showed us that the original intent for marriage has always been a lifetime commitment. However we try to change or rationalize anything less does not change God's plan.

The disciples expressed the opinion that if marriage was so binding, why not just stay single? Jesus explained that though some remain single through circumstances or choice, this wasn't meant for everyone. Limited options for divorce shouldn't be a consideration for whether or not to marry. When we choose to get married, the decision should be for a lifelong commitment. When we go into a marriage with an attitude against divorce, we are more likely to be more careful entering into the marriage and more likely to seek to resolve issues with our spouse than to petition for divorce over "irreconcilable differences."

Children were brought to Jesus to be blessed, but the disciples turned them away. Jesus told them to let the children be brought to Him and He blessed them. Children are not to be pushed aside as annoyances. Jesus did not think it beneath Him to stop and take time to bless these children. He mentioned again that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who make themselves like children. We need to bring our children up knowing Jesus, bringing them to Him the way these children were brought to Him so that they know Him and receive His blessings.

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