January 28, 2008

Matthew 19:16-30

A rich man came asking Jesus what he needed to do in order to have eternal life. Jesus told him there is only one who is good - God - and that to have eternal life, he would have to keep His commandments. The man wanted to know which ones. Jesus told him: do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie, honor your mother and father, and love your neighbor as yourself. To this the man said that he had kept all these commands and asked what else he needed to do. Jesus told him he to sell all his possessions and follow Him, but when he heard this, the man walked away disappointed.

This man knew enough that there was something he was missing. By his own reckoning, he had kept the commandments, but still knew something was lacking. In his mind, eternal life was somehow earned through something he could do - he just wasn't quite sure what it was. Perhaps he hoped Jesus had a quick fix answer. Jesus' first answer was to keep God's commands, If anyone can perfectly keep all the commandments of God, then they are holy and have earned eternal life - but no one can keep all of God's commandments perfectly except Jesus. Still, the man said he had kept the commandments. Surely, Jesus knew that he couldn't possibly have perfectly kept all the commandments, but instead of calling him out, He decided to challenge the man and let him see for himself how he missed the mark. In his unwillingness to sell everything he had, the man showed his heart was actually for material things rather than seeking God.

There is nothing we can do or say that makes us good enough on our own to gain entrance to heaven. Only by being covered in grace can we be seen as holy and worthy of heaven. Grace is free to us for the asking because the price has been paid by Christ. There is nothing we can do to add to what He has already done.

Jesus stated that it is difficult for the rich to come to salvation. Money can be a hindrance to focusing on God and His will for our lives. By no means is it impossible to have money and follow God, but to do so means that we need to allow God to be in control of our finances along with the other aspects of our lives - no matter how much (or little) money we have.

The disciples wanted to know what their reward would be for leaving everything behind and following Jesus. Jesus tells them there will indeed be treasure for them as well as for everyone who gives up something to follow Him. Is there something you're holding on to that is keeping you from following Christ?

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