January 05, 2008

Matthew 5:1-16

Jesus begins what is commonly known as "The Sermon on the Mount" with a list of characteristics that are blessed by God (commonly known as "The Beatitudes"). Each of us should strive to model these things in our lives. "Blessed are":

  • the poor in spirit - we need to realize our place in this world - as sinners who need salvation from a holy God
  • those who mourn - we show that we value others when we recognize their losses and empathize with them
  • the meek - being patient with others and not putting our own interests above theirs is another way to show we value them
  • those who hunger and thirst for righteousness - doing the right thing isn't as important as truly wanting to do the right thing; doing the right thing for the wrong reason gets you nowhere in God's book
  • the merciful - when we are merciful, we demonstrate the way that God treats us
  • the pure in heart - keeping our hearts pure allows us to hear God more clearly and obey Him more readily
  • the peacemakers - we shouldn't start fights or make trouble; we should avoid trouble when we can and look for ways to resolve issues that may have already started
Jesus ends the list by saying that those who are persecuted will be blessed. While we can't model persecution, often when we follow Jesus, we are mocked, humiliated, and in some places, physically harmed. Remember when this happens, it's not you who they are attacking, but Christ. He will help you through it, and He will reward you in heaven because of it.

What a list! It may seem impossible, but Christ has said that we can lean on Him. When we put our trust in Him, He will change us from the inside out. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen if we let Him help us.

Jesus said we are to be salt and light. Salt helps to preserve food as well as bring out flavor; light dispels darkness and helps us to see.

Christians need to shine the light of God's word on the world so that all can see the truth. There is new life in Jesus that comes with a joy that cannot be found in anything else. That joy brings out the flavor in life and the forgiveness offered preserves our lives. We are also called to influence the world - to preserve the word of God and His commands. By remaining active in our communities and standing up against injustice and sin where we see it, we are being salt to a world that is slowly losing the flavor that God has put into His world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To shine as a light in the world as beleivers we need fuel for our light which is God's word. I like what you said about that at the end of you blog. 2 Tim 2:14 says " Show yourself as one approved by God, a workman who need not be ashamed, and who correctly handles the word of truth" That will prepare us to be a light to the world.