January 03, 2008

Matthew 3

John the Baptist is preaching about the need to repent -- to turn away from sin. He was baptizing people as a sign that they were starting a new life. John didn't mince any words. He made it clear that everyone who repents and accepts Jesus will be saved and those that don't will perish (be "thrown into the fire"). John speaks about Jesus' coming and tells everyone that Jesus will perform the ultimate baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire.

John pointed people to Jesus by what he did and what he said. He remembered his place and gave Jesus the credit as the one who had the ultimate power.

When Jesus came to John to be baptized, John didn't feel he was worthy to do it. After Jesus told him this is what needed to happen, John did it. When Jesus was baptized, God confirmed Jesus' ministry by sending the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and by speaking, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

I'm always amazed when I read about great people in the Bible who needed to be convinced of what to do. It makes me remember that God can use anybody and that everybody has moments when they doubt themselves. The great ones listen to God and do what He says through faith in Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good commentary, God also uses the unwilling from time to time. Look at Jonah, he didn't want Nineveh saved but God used him and Nineveh repented for a season.