January 13, 2008

Matthew 10:24-42

The disciples could expect the same things that happened to Jesus to happen to them - even being accused of being in league with the devil. They weren't to let that stop them though. Jesus assured them that God was still in control and that He would see the things they were doing. They were to be bold in proclaiming the message they had been given and trust that God would protect them through it all.

Sometimes it can be scary to talk to people about God. Thoughts of immediate or long-lasting negative reactions can sometimes cause us to hold back. Jesus didn't want the disciples to hold back. He promised that when we represent Him to the people in our lives, He will represent us before God on Judgment Day. If we deny Him, He will deny us. We shouldn't be concerned with the repercussions from people when they don't like the message we've been given. We need to worry about the One who controls our eternal destiny and what will happen if we don't share His message.

Jesus is often referred to as the Prince of Peace, but here He says He came to bring a sword. The peace He brought was not to be one of tolerance towards everything. People who did not want to change would oppose the message of Jesus - sometimes violently so. Families would be torn apart because one would believe and others would not. This is regrettable, but obedience to God is more important than even the closest earthly relations. Everything that seems so important in this life is worthless if we have to push God aside to get it. If we put earthly things above heavenly things, we will only ever receive earthly rewards. Jesus wanted the disciples' focus to be on acts of service because that is what God rewards. Even the smallest acts of kindness are recognized by God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While it was right to give the Jews 1st chance at salvation, most of them were too caught up in being Jewish. The Prophet Isaiah speaking God's words said; "These people come near to me with mouths and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me consists only of rules taught by men" The Jews, I believe, still aren't ready to hear