September 25, 2008

Galatians 3

Paul wrote about how we are saved through faith and not the law. He showed that even Abraham was justified by his faith and not by keeping the law. The law was needed to keep order until God's ultimate plan was revealed in Jesus. Through Him, salvation has been made complete and there is nothing we can add to or take away from His work on the cross.

So many people want to work their way to heaven. They believe if they do enough good deeds or go to church once in a while or at least don't do anything really bad that if there is a God, He'll let them into heaven. God has quite a different view. His standard is perfection; a standard none of us could ever hope to meet. Christ is the only person who has ever or will ever live a perfect life on Earth and only through faith in Him does He extend that covering of perfection over us so that God can see us as holy through His Son. When we reject the truth of salvation through faith alone, we reject the One who set the standard as well.

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