September 19, 2008

2 Corinthians 11:1-15

Paul warned of accepting false teachings or even putting up with them. He used the imagery of the church as the bride and Christ as the groom to show how entertaining these false teachings is like being unfaithful to one's betrothed. He reiterated his charge to carry the gospel to stand in stark contrast to the false teachers who looked like the real deal, but were ultimately peddling lies.

Paul notes that the false teachers were posing as followers of Christ just as Satan has posed as an angel of light. The effective lies are the ones that look an awful lot like the truth. An outright lie is easy to spot, but a lie that starts with a kernel of truth and then perverts that truth in a way that is plausible and feeds us what we want to hear is more easily swallowed. Standing for the truth and weeding out the lies is essential in our walk with God. He is the Author of truth and we cannot know Him through lies.

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