September 21, 2008

2 Corinthians 12

Since the Corinthians were doubting Paul's credentials, he felt compelled to bring up visions he had had of heaven as proof of his credentials. He was quick to downplay the visions, instead preferring to focus on his weaknesses. In particular, he was given an affliction which kept him from using the vision as an ego booster.

What a unique way of seeing things! Instead of seeing the trials and afflictions in our lives as nuisances or obstacles, we can see them as God working in our lives. The more blessings we receive, the more trials we endure to keep us humble. We would become like spoiled brats if there was nothing in our lives to remind us of our need for God every day. Rather than asking God to make your life perfect, ask Him to show you where you need him each day. When you clearly see your need for God, your focus turns to Him and away from yourself.

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