October 21, 2008

1 Timothy 1

Paul gave Timothy a charge to stay in Ephesus to correct those who were teaching "strange doctrines" which were distracting others from the true doctrine of God. Some of these teachers wanted to be seen as experts in the law even though they didn't have a proper understanding of it. Paul clarified that the law is not for righteous people, but sinners. He claimed he was the biggest sinner, but was grateful that Jesus still decided to use him.

We all sin. Everyone does something bad in their lives and they know it is wrong and they regret it. The only way to escape from the burden of sin is to understand the cause (original sin via Adam & Eve), the effect (eternal separation from God), and the answer (faith in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ). If we aren't grounded in sound doctrine, we don't have the answers we need. Those who are susceptible to outside influences need a Timothy around to call out the bad teachings and set things right.

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