October 31, 2008

Titus 1

Paul gave Titus a list of qualifications for church elders, among which was listed a firm grasp of the word of God in order to teach others and dispel the lies spread by false prophets.

To learn who God is and what He wants us to do, we must be taught by someone who has studied His word in depth. This is another reason why Christians need to go to church. God is everywhere, so we don't go to church to see God. We go to be fed and to learn more about our Lord from those who have been ordained to teach His word.

October 30, 2008

2 Timothy 4

Paul wrote that Timothy should actively preach the word because a time would come when people would reject the truth and turn to whatever teacher will say what they want to hear.

We need to share God's word while people are still open to receive it. More and more, people are rejecting the truth because it isn't politically correct or it shines a light that makes them uncomfortable because they love the sin in their lives too much. Until the day comes when no one will listen, share the love of God whenever you get the chance.

October 29, 2008

2 Timothy 3

Paul wrote that in the last days, people would turn from God and do all sorts of evil things. Righteous men will be persecuted, but through it all, we must remain true to the word of God because it is what teaches us and guides us to the path of righteousness.

The word of God is powerful. It has been preserved through the years so that God's message could be communicated to people around the world. By loving and studying and knowing God's word, we equip ourselves with the knowledge we need to stand against anything or anyone that stands against us.

October 28, 2008

2 Timothy 2

Paul instructed Timothy to teach what he knew to others. They in turn would teach these same to truths to others still.

The gospel message of Christ has spread for nearly 2,000 years by people teaching others what they know. If you have accepted Christ, it's because someone shared what they knew with you. That person had someone who shared with them, and so on, all the way back to the apostles. Don't let the message stop with you - share it!

October 27, 2008

2 Timothy 1

Paul reminded Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel and the work he was doing, but to keep the passion he first received when he accepted the gift of God.

Sometimes we can get so busy or overwhelmed with life that we forget what it was like when we first believed. When these times come, we need to stop and think back to when we first accepted Christ into our lives. This exercise helps us to refocus our efforts on what matters most - loving God and loving others.

October 26, 2008

1 Timothy 6

Paul said that whoever disagrees with sound doctrine is conceited. People who stir up controversy do so for their own self-interest. The love of money and earthly things can lead to great sin and should be avoided. Instead, our focus should be on the things of God so that we remain pure.

We cannot focus on God and ourselves at the same time. When we focus on our own self-importance or the acquisition of money or material things, we miss out on all the good things God has in store for us. Allow God to guide you in all things so that you don't go astray. Find wise counsel to help you to understand what God is saying to you.

October 25, 2008

1 Timothy 5

Paul taught Timothy to deal with each person according to their age, respecting his elders and relating as an equal to the younger men and women. He also stressed the importance of taking care of family - especially widows.

We must remember that our elders always deserve respect. If we must confront them about some wrongdoing, we need to be sure that we have the information correct and approach them with humility instead of an attitude of arrogance or superiority. Likewise, with those of our own age or younger, we must not adopt a feeling of superiority, but go as a friend or a sibling and be compassionate in our actions. Taking care of family is very important. When our loved ones lose the ability to care for themselves, we should step in to provide for and care for them. The family was conceived by God as the way by which people would be taken care of. The church should only take care of those who have no earthly family left who can care for them.

October 24, 2008

1 Timothy 4

Paul encouraged Timothy to stay strong in the doctrines he had been taught and to continue teaching the same. He also told him not to let anyone look down on him because of his young age.

We all need to focus on the doctrines we have been taught and make sure they are true to the Bible. No matter who teaches us - young or old - we must be receptive to hearing God's word and learning as much as we can. The important thing to focus on is the message, not the messenger.

October 23, 2008

1 Timothy 3

Paul listed the qualifications for those who wish to serve in the church as having good moral character and being in control of their actions and their families.

Some people like to think that one's home life shouldn't be considered when determining qualifications for a leadership position. This is ridiculous, as people do not have a switch where they turn off bad behavior when they are operating in an official capacity as a leader and then switch it back when they get home. How we act with our biological families affects how we serve our church family. Those who lead our congregations should be the best possible models of the behaviors God wants to see in all of us.

October 22, 2008

1 Timothy 2

Paul urged us to pray for our leaders.

Those who choose to be leaders make tough decisions every day. These decisions affect our lives and the lives of every other person under the jurisdiction of the leader. To make good decisions, our leaders need the stamina, wisdom, and courage that can only come from God. Whether we agree with them or not, our leaders still need our prayers for protection and guidance.

Paul urged women to dress and act appropriately in church.

This applies to men and women alike, but perhaps there were some specific instances where women were doing inappropriate things that Paul was addressing. We should all take care that our appearance and behavior in church honors the Lord and shows respect for others in the congregation. Merely showing up is not an act of worship - what we do after we show up is.

October 21, 2008

1 Timothy 1

Paul gave Timothy a charge to stay in Ephesus to correct those who were teaching "strange doctrines" which were distracting others from the true doctrine of God. Some of these teachers wanted to be seen as experts in the law even though they didn't have a proper understanding of it. Paul clarified that the law is not for righteous people, but sinners. He claimed he was the biggest sinner, but was grateful that Jesus still decided to use him.

We all sin. Everyone does something bad in their lives and they know it is wrong and they regret it. The only way to escape from the burden of sin is to understand the cause (original sin via Adam & Eve), the effect (eternal separation from God), and the answer (faith in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ). If we aren't grounded in sound doctrine, we don't have the answers we need. Those who are susceptible to outside influences need a Timothy around to call out the bad teachings and set things right.

October 20, 2008

2 Thessalonians 3

Paul prayed for the spread of the gospel message and protection from evil for believers. He also advised them to stay away from people who might be bad influences and that each person should work for the things they need rather than living off the hard work of others.

Work is not something to be avoided. Doing an honest day's work helps us to honor God and have a sense of self-worth. We should not expect something for nothing, but strive to do our part to take care of ourselves and those who cannot take care of themselves. Part of sharing the message of Christ is giving to others and we can't do that if we don't have anything to give.

October 19, 2008

2 Thessalonians 2

Paul warned the Thessalonians to not let false rumors of Christ's second coming disturb them. Instead, he told them to hold fast to the truth that they had been given.

God's truth should have such a hold on us that the lies that are presented do not have any draw for us. Filter all claims of faith through the lens of the Bible and you will quickly separate the truth from the lies. (Note that while there is only one truth, there are many lies.)

October 18, 2008

2 Thessalonians 1

Paul commended the Thessalonians for keeping their faith even through persecution. He explained that their reaction to the suffering was evidence of God in their lives. He also explained that the ones who were causing them pain would be punished by being eternally separated from God.

It is good to know that God gives us strength to make it through the tough times. He is glorified when we rely on Him to sustain us. It is also good to know that those who cause us trouble will not get away with it - they will pay in the end. This should not cause us to celebrate their punishment, but allow us to leave our feelings of revenge behind, knowing that God will even the score one day - in His way and in His time.

October 17, 2008

1 Thessalonians 5

Paul looked forward to the day when Christ would come again and encouraged his readers to be prepared now by being sure of our salvation and actively practicing faith and love. We should live at peace with one another and keep the order until Christ comes again.

Since the day of Christ's return is unknown to us, we cannot leave the preparations until later, but must be ready now. Now is the time to preach the gospel. Now is the time to care for the needy. Now is the time to love one another. Now is the time to pursue justice and order. Knowing that Christ could return at any moment should spur us into action. We have much to do and the only time guaranteed to us is now. If we don't take this opportunity to act, we may not have another.

October 16, 2008

1 Thessalonians 4

Paul commended the Thessalonians for their walk with the Lord, but told them that they still had room to grow. He encouraged them to love not only the members of the body of Christ, but to work hard to ensure that they were self-sufficient and to have good relations with the nonbelievers among them.

No matter how far Christ has brought us in this life, there is still further to go. None of us will ever reach perfection, yet that is still the goal. By allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our lives from the inside out, we can become more like Him every day. We learn to love those in the church through God's eyes so we can take that love to a lost world. Through that love, we minister to those around us - within the church and outside the church. This is how we reflect the love God has shown each of us.

October 15, 2008

1 Thessalonians 3

Paul was concerned that the Thessalonians faith might be failing and this would give the devil a chance to tempt them away from God. When he found out their faith remained strong, he rejoiced.

We need to not only care for people when we share the gospel message with them, but also after they receive it. We need to look out for one another and hold each other accountable to stay away from temptations. We long to see all of our brothers and sisters in Christ remain in Him and we celebrate victories over the evil one.

October 14, 2008

1 Thessalonians 2

Paul did not preach the gospel for the approval of men; he only cared about pleasing God. Because he cared about the people he was trying to reach, he made every effort not to be a burden to them and encouraged them to live a life pleasing to the Lord.

To share the gospel effectively, we must honestly care for those we share with. Make God the focus of your motivation and He will take care of the rest. Since He is the only one we need to please, we need to make sure we are doing what He wants us to do and that we are doing it with the right heart.

October 13, 2008

1 Thessalonians 1

Paul starts off his letter to the Thessalonians by reminding them that the message they received was not just mere words, but the power and conviction of the Holy Spirit. They were changed and made into imitators of the Lord, proclaiming the message they had been given.

This is the proof that we have received the true gospel of Christ: that we are changed and become more like God. The Holy Spirit gives us power to live a life that is pleasing to God and tell others about the changes in our lives so they can experience the same.

October 12, 2008

Colossians 4

Continuing the topic of how we are to treat one another from chapter 3, Paul tells those who have authority over workers to deal with them fairly. He also mentions that when dealing with those outside the church, it is best to seek wisdom and speak with grace.

Those in positions of authority must be careful not to wield it with a heavy hand. God treats us with grace and compassion, so we should show the same to anyone who may be subject to us in whatever way. When talking to non-Christians, we must remember not to come from a place of superiority, but as one who was once lost. It is God who makes us holy - not to elevate us above others, but to draw closer to Him and offer others the same opportunity.

October 11, 2008

Colossians 3

Paul instructed his readers to keep their minds on the good and righteous things in life, not the selfish, immoral things. Because of our relationship with Christ, we ought to love others and be at peace with them. In our family life, we should love and support one another and obey our parents. In the workplace, we should obey those in authority over us and perform our work to glorify God.

Christ calls us to a higher life. Because of Him, we can live a life without bitterness and resentment. Loving others and caring for them may not be the easiest thing in the world, but it is more fulfilling than the alternative. God made us to receive His love and to love others. We feel good when we fulfill our purpose. Part of loving others is respecting authority and submitting ourselves to those who have been put into positions of authority. We can't be loving towards others and still insist on having things our own way.

October 10, 2008

Colossians 2

Paul wrote that we should be rooted in Jesus so we won't be deceived by the made up religions of man that sound wise at first, but ultimately just wind up taking our eyes off of Jesus. Jesus did everything that needed to be done by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. If we are united to Him, there is nothing more that can be added to make us right with God.

Most false religions seem to make sense on the surface. If they didn't, no one would follow them. However, when the curtain is pulled back they always fall apart. This is because they aren't based on the truth of Christ. There is no other way than Jesus. Don't let anyone tell you anything different.

October 09, 2008

1 Colossians 1

Paul wrote that Jesus is the visible incarnation of the invisible God. All things were made through Him and for Him. He is the head of the church and has redeemed us through His sacrifice on the cross. He has reconciled us to God and brought us out of our evil ways.

Without Jesus, we are left to our base desires. On our own, we give in to our human nature and can never measure up to God's standard of perfection. But through Christ, who made all things, we can be made holy and pure before God so that He will accept us. Jesus alone has the power to reconcile us to God.

October 08, 2008

Philippians 4

Paul urged his readers to rejoice in the Lord and depend on Him for their needs. By allowing God to supply those needs, the anxiety of the world will be replaced by the peace of God. We are to dwell on the good things that God has made and learn to be content with whatever we have (or don't have).

So many people don't want to admit they need anyone else - even God. God says without depending on Him, we can't know true peace. Dependence on God is not showing weakness; it is not a crutch. He has offered to provide for our needs so that we can spend less time thinking about the things of this world and more on the things of eternity.

October 07, 2008

Philippians 3

Paul wrote that we should not have confidence in the things of the flesh - those things we can do in and of ourselves. He had been brought up doing everything properly in the flesh (according to the law) but counted it all as garbage compared to what Jesus had done for him. Paul encouraged his readers to keep their eyes on Jesus, moving forward and reaching for the prize.

Following Jesus is not the best way - it is the only way. Anything we try to do in and of ourselves can't compare to what Christ has done for us. Whatever we do, we must first model our lives after Jesus from the inside out. If our actions aren't preceded by love for Jesus and love for others, we are acting according to the flesh. We will only receive the rewards we seek when we do what the One who offers the rewards has asked of us.

October 06, 2008

Philippians 2

Paul instructed the Philippians to be united in love and purpose, putting the interests of others above their own. This is the attitude Jesus Himself showed, humbling Himself even to the point of being crucified for our sins. All of this should be done without complaining or arguing - a stark contrast to the world.

Jesus is the gold standard for how we are to live our lives. He never sought fame or fortune, deciding instead to devote His life to helping others and teaching about God's plan of salvation. He lived a simple life and was harassed and threatened, but He never lashed out or complained. If we are to be like Christ, we must love as He loved and give like He gave. When we come together with other Christians with Christ-like attitudes, His name is honored and His purposes fulfilled.

October 05, 2008

Philippians 1

Paul wrote to the Philippians that God had begun something good in them and that He would be faithful to complete it. Paul was glad to hear the gospel preached even if some were doing so for the wrong reasons. Paul also related a struggle that while he wanted to be with God in heaven, he realized there was more for him to do here and urged his readers to honor Christ through their actions as long as they lived.

God will never abandon us. When He accepts us and promises to change us from the inside out, He will stick with us to the end. In response to His faithfulness, we ought to be faithful to Him as well, spreading His message and living a life pleasing to Him.

October 04, 2008

Ephesians 6

Paul taught that we are to be obedient to those in authority over us and just and kind to those we have authority over. He also said that we are not in a battle against people, but against dark spiritual forces. In order to fight effectively, we need to put on what Paul called the full armor of God: faith, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the word of God.

We need to always remember that other people are not our enemies. We are God's army, fighting against the devil and his demons. Unbelievers are the battleground and we must prepare ourselves for the battle. God has given us all the equipment we need. All we need to do is know it, practice it, and use it.

October 03, 2008

Ephesians 5

Paul wrote specific instructions for how we should live: be imitators of God. Love as Christ loved and sacrifice for others. Stay away from immorality and impurity. Husbands and wives are to love each other just as Christ loves the church.

We need to learn everything we can about God so that we can learn how we are to act. God loved each of us so much that He willingly gave His Son to die for our sins. We need to show that same love to those around us. The easiest place to show this kind of love should be at home, between husbands and wives. If we start by showing God's love to those closest to us, we can build from there to show love to everyone else.

October 02, 2008

Ephesians 4

Paul wrote that believers in Christ should be united in purpose through Christ. Christians should not act the way the rest of the world does because Christ has renewed us and calls us to a higher standard of living.

The Christian life needs to be visibly different from the rest of the world; we are called to a higher standard. That's not to say that our lives are easier, but that we handle life's troubles without compromising ourselves and that we treat others with love and respect. Our attitudes and actions ought to be a reflection of the God that we serve.

October 01, 2008

Ephesians 3

Paul explained that both Jews and Gentiles could come together as one body because of the sacrifice of Jesus. All of the promises of God were now equally available to anyone who believed.

Jesus brought salvation to everyone. Through Him, everyone who believes will be saved. His grace and mercy are not just for a select few no matter what anyone may say. No matter who you are by birth, there is a place for you in God's kingdom.