November 05, 2008

Hebrews 2

Jesus became human for a time and allowed Himself to be tempted, then sacrificed His life for our sins. By becoming human like us, He was able to experience all the trials that we go through. By overcoming them, He gave us a standard for how we are to live our own lives.

Some people see God as distant and impersonal. The Incarnation of Jesus completely contradicts that assertion. Jesus left His throne in heaven and became human because He wanted to relate to us. Like when a parent kneels or crouches down to talk to a child, God came down to our level to talk to us and show us how we are to live.

November 04, 2008

Hebrews 1

Jesus came as the atonement for all sin. Now that His work is finished, He is at the right hand of God, exalted above all the angels and worshiped by them.

It is important to give Jesus His rightful place. Through Jesus, all thing were created and all things belong to Him. He alone can forgive our sin. He alone is worthy of all praise. We can worship Him just as we do God because They are One.

November 03, 2008

Philemon 1

Paul wrote to Philemon regarding a slave, Onesimus, that had escaped from Philemon's house and had met up with Paul. Paul had shared the gospel with Onesimus and was now sending him back to Philemon to be received as a brother in Christ rather than a slave.

This letter shows the power of redemption. Onesimus went from a fugitive to a beloved brother through the transforming power of Christ. The same power that transformed Onesimus can transform each of us as well. No one is beyond help if they turn to Jesus and accept His love and His lordship over their lives and allow Him to change their life from the inside out. Whatever you have done wrong in your life, there is hope; there is redemption.

November 02, 2008

Titus 3

Paul wanted Titus to remind people to be good and lawful citizens. We are to be good to each other as well and remember that we are saved through the sacrifice of Christ.

Being good to one another and being good citizens is something God expects from each of us. When we show respect for others, we honor God's creation. God made each and every single person. He instituted government. Therefore, how we treat others is a direct reflection of our love for God.

November 01, 2008

Titus 2

Paul explained that older men and women should behave in a way that sets a good example for the younger people. All people are to behave in a way that honors God and turn away from worldly desires.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions. We each need to rely on God for the strength to get us through each day. Chances are that you are being an example to someone as well; maybe you don't even know that anyone is paying attention to you. Live your life as if someone is paying attention to the things you do - and remember that Someone is.